Reflection - light "bouncing" off a reflective surface. This obeys a simple law, the law of reflection!
The incident (incoming) angle equals the reflected angle. Angles are generally measured with respect to a "normal" line (line perpendicular to the surface).
Note that this works for curved mirrors as well, though we must think of a the surface as a series of flat surfaces - in this way, we can see that the light can reflect in a different direction, depending on where it hits the surface of the curved mirror. More to come here.
Refraction is much different. In refraction, light enters a NEW medium. In the new medium, the speed changes. We define the extent to which this new medium changes the speed by a simple ratio, the index of refraction:
n = c/v
In this equation, n is the index of refraction (a number always 1 or greater), c is the speed of light (in a vacuum) and v is the speed of light in the new medium.
The index of refraction for some familiar substances:
vacuum, defined as 1
air, approximately 1
water, 1.33
glass, 1.5
polycarbonate ("high index" lenses), 1.67
diamond, 2.2
The index of refraction is a way of expressing how optically dense a medium is. The actual index of refraction (other than in a vacuum) depends on the incoming wavelength. Different wavelengths have slightly different speeds in (non-vacuum) mediums. For example, red slows down by a certain amount, but violet slows down by a slightly lower amount - meaning that red light goes through a material (glass, for example) a bit faster than violet light. Red light exits first.
In addition, different wavelengths of light are "bent" by slightly different amounts. This is trickier to see. We will explore it in the next blog entry.
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